Tuesday, December 2, 2008

install and replace window frames

(day 2) 2/12/08
today we started of in the class room to fill out a carpantry fixing out booklet wich we learnt about skirtings, window sils, scotia, arcatrave and how to install all these. in the book we had to work out how much scotia , skirting and arcatrave would be required by lookin at 2 houses plans. in the book we also discussed mitre joins and difffernt ways to join using scribes. then after lunch we made our way to the workshop to start on our window frame project were we were givin a small wall frame with a window hole in it then we were givin a small window frame and given the task to install it. we first started with brown paper over the frame to represent sisalation then we tacked fourt pieces of weather board on the 4 edges of the frame the put the window frame in and square it all up then i nailed it in. the we placed alcor around the edges of the frame then weather boarded all the way around the frame completing the out side part of the window.

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